Large scale casinos to be considered in Brazil

The ‘Brazil Agenda’ is a new report proposed by Senator Maggi that would legalize casino gaming, bingo and ‘the animal game’ in Brazil. The Brazilian gaming market would be able to grow considerably with the approval of the bill, allowing for as many as 35 casinos to be created. The proposal has now been set before the Special Committee on National Development for consideration.

Presented by Renan Calheiros, the President of the Senate, the new rules would allow 35 casinos to be located in Brazil, with at least one in each state. Some states would be allowed to have as many as three casinos. This would be based on the population and economic future of the given state.

Senator Maggi worked to prepare reports on the proposal as well as arrange meetings to discuss gaming with the Special Committee of National Development. The group is currently analyzing the information of the Brazil Agenda, which would help to boost the economy in Brazil as a whole.

The text of the proposal would allow for casinos to be constructed across Brazil and each state would have the option to decide if they would like to be given a casino gaming license. The casinos would be allowed to offer gaming and can only be located in a hotel leisure complex which would offer meeting and event space, shopping centres, bars and restaurants.

A casino license would have a time frame of 30 years before expiration and the amount spent for the casino license would be based on the total investment for the complex as well as the amount of jobs created with the proposal. The casino can take up as much as 10 percent of the total area of the complex created.

The Brazil Agenda also covers the game of bingo. The text states that a bingo hall can be created for every 250,000 inhabitants of the city where it is located. When there are less than 250,000 residents, only one bingo hall is allowed. Each venue can only have as many as 50 electronic bingo machines for guests to use.

The Senator has pointed out that the Brazil Agenda will create a debate among officials and should be analyzed thoroughly as the project is controversial. Gaming is also being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies with a special public hearing that recently convened to discuss proposals that surround the possibly of legalizing gambling in the future for Brazil. It was in September that the Special Committee of the Regulatory Framework of the Games in Brazil was created. It is believed that officials will pass the legislation as most seem to be in favor of gaming.

Large scale casinos to be considered in Brazil